Margherita Missoni, 23 Weeks Pregnant

Hi Margherita! What is your day-to-day look now that you are pregnant?

I wear high waisted shiny black leggings with either tight or loose tops. And often body conscious, stretchy, long dresses– and this is my husband’s look of choice. For the evening I often opt for a cabanne– I have a very nice one by Fausto Puglisi– or the Missoni Resort redingote coats


What about shoes? Heels or no heels anymore?

I do heels, but I also got really into wedges– much more comfortable and convenient with a big belly!


Did you get inspired from pregnancy pictures of your mother or your grandmother?

To be honest, no. I rarely get inspired by other people, whether pregnant or not. I do admire many people’s style, but I find that trying to adopt someone else’s never looks as good as the original.


Did they give you any style tips?

My friends introduced me to maternity jeans– Mama J by J Brand, and American Apparel high waisted leggings. I was pregnant in the winter, so I also wore a lot of knitwear.


Yes! You live in knitwear heaven! Any favorite Missoni pieces to go with your bump so far?

Missoni is great, because the knitwear enlarges with you 🙂 Any thin knit is very flattering, no matter if a dress or a top.


You will give birth in August, so with summer ahead, knitwear wont work so much anymore. What do you think you will wear?

Well, Missoni Mare, a line that I’m in charge of, is the truly BEST for pregnancy. I’ve a had a brief holiday in Miami and that’s all I wore– our kaftans are glamorous and breezy and everything one could ask for!


What about lingerie? Did you change brand? Any recommendations?

Yes, I did. I’m terribly itchy since I got pregnant, I find most material unbearable, not to mention bra wires… But I refuse to wear those kind of “medical” pieces of lingerie that they sell in maternity shops. I found that Cosabella “Never Say Never Sweetie” bra is a great compromise between comfort and looks. I also like the big triangles by Calvin Klein and La Perla Studio. As for push-ups, Victoria’s Secret has a wireless triangle shape one that’s not bad, but unfortunately it’s not being produced in D cups…


What about beauty tips?

Loads of oil– almond, jojoba, and everything else– I love the 9 month oil by Weleda. I like to rotate my beauty products as I think they work best that way. I drink Equisetum tea for water retention.


You told me about your workout in New York, with the weights– what is it again? What other workouts have you been doing so far?

Twice a week I do Pilatesm and twice I sweat on that bike where you sit with your legs parallel to the ground for 45 minutes. In New York, I do kettle bell, which is CRAZY INTENSE but so rewarding. I wouldn’t have thought it’d be pregnancy safe, but it is. I am not one of those lucky girls who go on wearing size 4 throughout their pregnancy, so I need to get moving!


Anything else to relax? Special massages?

I try to have as many massages as I can– I’m one of those people who tend to retain a lot of water in their legs and I find that drainage works great. In Milan and Rome there is an amazing place called Bhoga, which specializes in pregnant women. They even have beds with special belly and boob holes 🙂

But the thing that’s helped me the most so far has been acupuncture. I’m doing it to protect my little one, to get the water moving, and to help with the blues that I’ve been getting lately. With all the hormones and with everything that’s happened to our family since the beginning of the year, I’ve been having a bit of a hard time in the past few weeks and this doctor has been my savior. He’s able to put a smile back on my face. And the day after I see him, i always weigh less than I did before.


What are you looking the most in becoming a mother?

Just cuddling my little boy.


Have you started baby shopping at all?

I did 🙂 Not too much, but I’ve been buying special pieces here and there when I come across them.



Any favorite brands?

Well, I guess Bonpoint is obvious, but it’s really good. I also love Bonton. And I really loved that shop on Thompson that you suggested (Makie!!!!) I’m so annoyed that we only have a baby girl line at Missoni for now, but I’m using all my influence at the moment to persuade them to start a boy’s one too


Thank you so much Margherita! 

Photos by Paul Maffi


Marina Mu‹ÔOz, Mother Of Blaise, 8 Months

Latham Thomas And Her Son Fulano, 9

Kim Winter, Mother of Lucas, 2 years old, pregnant, and Doula, NYC



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