What do you love the most about being pregnant? 

I love the amazing connection that I have with my little girl. It’s very comforting to know you’re never really alone– she often kicks and prods and pokes me and I poke and prod her back. I’m not afraid to talk out loud to her even though I get some weird looks sometimes, and I always talk in a stupid baby voice (why is it that we do that?). Whenever I’m sad or worried or stressed she gives me a little wiggle inside and suddenly all my stresses go away, it’s like she senses I need the comfort. For those who’ve never been pregnant, I can’t describe how unbelievably cool it is to feel your little one moving on the inside. I’m sure that after she’s born I’ll miss the sensation and the connection with my bump.
What has been the most difficult thing about being pregnant?
I have had a really easy pregnancy and I consider myself really lucky. I’m still working on my new house, painting and renovating at 8 months along, so it feels great that I’m still able to do a lot and I’m not stuck on the couch watching TV all day. The hardest thing for me has been the travel I was doing early on in my pregnancy. As a model our schedules are hectic and you often find yourself taking several flights a week, and I didn’t have a solid base for more than half my pregnancy. It was really difficult to feel at peace and comfortable and settled. Eating was a chore too as in New Zealand we’re told not to eat this and that, so being in different countries with different foods, fashion week with backstage catering only, and never having a kitchen to cook in really took its toll on me.
What do you look forward to the most about becoming a mother?
I have a very mothering nature, I have two younger siblings and helped to raise them from a young age myself, so I feel like I had a lot of practice. I also feel like children are drawn to me and I’ve always felt at ease with children. I guess what I look forward to most about becoming a mother is that I will have my own little one to care for. I can put into practice everything I’ve learned over the years and do things my way, watch her grow and reach milestones, teach her all the things I know about the world, and watch her become her own person with her own personality. I believe that children are an extension of their parents and I’m hoping that she can take the best things from me and her dad and leave behind all the rest. Isn’t that what all parents hope for? That their children can be a better version of themselves?
Being a model, how have you managed to stay in shape? Has there been any favorite sport or activity?
I’ve always been really lucky because I’m naturally thin. A big myth about being pregnant is that you have to eat for two, but I’ve just been eating normally and adding those extra 300 calories that you need. I’m always busy so there’s been no need to take up any kind of extra activity. I tried prenatal yoga and a swimming class for a few weeks when I first got back to New Zealand, but with renovating a new house I have no time to carry it on! I’ve just been trying to keep myself healthy with the right foods and plenty of light exercise. I like to walk my dog on the beach every day. I suppose I’ve been lucky, as I haven’t had any complications during my pregnancy so I haven’t been limited to what I can and can’t do.
How long were you able to hide your pregnancy? Or, on the contrary, did you embrace it right away?
I told my very close friends and family as soon as I found out. It was really nice to have their support while I was still at work and to be able to talk to them about all of my hopes and fears. I went through Fashion Week in February with only one of my friends, Kremi, knowing and that was pretty hard, but she helped a lot and put up with a lot of my complaining about cravings and nausea and all of my paranoia about what foods I was eating. During the last week of Fashion Week, I told my agents and they were all super supportive and excited– we made plans to continue to work as long as possible and I was really lucky that I could work as long as i did. It wasn’t until I was five months pregnant that I told my clients I was expecting. I was nervous at first, as it meant I wouldn’t be able to work for a while and I feared my career would be hindered, but everyone was so great and supportive. My great supporters still tried to include me in their projects and of course the Chanel Couture show I was able to close just goes to show how the fashion industry is ever-changing and rule breaking.
Have you only been about all natural beauty products since becoming pregnant? What has been your beauty routine so far?
I use what products work for me. I still use the same things as I did before I became pregnant, I never over-work my skin, just a gentle cleanse and moisturise. The most important thing is what you put in your body–fresh produce and water are just as important for your skin. The only thing I’ve changed is that I use oils on my skin to prevent stretch marks, Clarins Tonic Oil at night and Bio Oil during the day. I’ve also had time off work, so the lack of makeup and other products has helped my skin keep clean. I try not to wear makeup during the day–just a touch of mascara. We’re meant to have the GLOW during pregnancy after all!
What has been your pregnancy style?
I try and keep as comfortable as possible when I’m at home. It’s been winter here, so no cute dresses with baby bump. I really enjoyed my recent trip to Paris, as I was able to dress my bump in cute outfits in the early summer heat. I’ve also just been to Fashion Week in New Zealand and was still able to wear cool looks at eight months, and it also gave me a chance to try different styles that I wouldn’t normally choose for my pre-pregnancy body. I still haven’t given in to buying any maternity clothes– the vast choice of fashion available more than provides for my pregnancy style needs.
What have been some of your favorite ways to treat yourself during pregnancy?
I love massages! Pregnant or not! I’ve had pregnancy massages in several different countries now and most of them have been really great. It’s such a nice way to relax and rejuvenate your body. The stress and tensions of work and so much travel can make your really tense and stiff and difficult to relax. I will forever get massages as my indulgence, but during pregnancy it has been absolute bliss.
What have you been craving the most?
I crave smoked salmon all the time, it must be the need for the nutrients. I always tell myself if I crave it my body needs it. I haven’t had any weird combination cravings and am kind of disappointed about that. But I can also say that my sweet tooth has definitely come out to play.
You are based in New Zealand, where do you think you will raise your baby?
I just bought a home in New Zealand which will be our home here. I hope to continue to work after she is born for as long as I can, so she will travel with me when I need to. But New Zealand will always be my home and it is such a beautiful, clean, and safe place to raise a family. I know she will have the best of both worlds, growing up in the huge cities of London, Paris and New York, learning their food, history, and culture but also learning the laid-back and natural lifestyle in our little paradise New Zealand.
Are there any particular children’s clothing brands you’ve started gathering?
Shopping for baby clothes is deadly–especially for little girls. I haven’t bought many clothes for her yet as I’ve gotten lots of gifts. But I love Baby Gap (we don’t have it here in New Zealand) as it’s good quality and affordable. Babies grow out of things so fast! I love window shopping and can’t wait to go to Europe and do some real shopping for her there.
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Tori Praver, Model, Founder and Designer of Tori Praver Swimwear, and mother to Ryan. Los Angeles, California

Kate Schelter




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