When it comes to trusted standbys for stylish and affordable fashion, Zara rarely does us wrong. Whether a quality cashmere sweater or a trendy pair of heels, we know Zara will have our most basic and occasionally impulsive fashion needs covered. So we weren’t surprised to discover how well that same reliability translates to home goods, especially for kids. Elegant without being pretentious, and whimsical without being overwrought, whenever I go back to Paris or London, one of my favorite stops for Romy is Zara Home.

They have some of the nicest pajamas, and I love their retro plates and utensils with my favorite cartoon vintage characters, like the Barbapapa and Babar. Their bed linens, bathroom accessories, baby toys and kids toys all have an elegant vintage style that we love. Think Restoration Hardware for babies, at a quarter of the price and with a European touch.

Unfortunately, they don’t have a store in New York yet, but most of the products are available online.

Must Have

Baby Diaries

C’est La Rentree – Back To School!

Kora Organics



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