Laetitia Crahay, Mother Of Theodora, 2

Laetitia you are both the Head of Jewelry and Accessories at Chanel, as well as the Artistic Director at Maison Michel. How do you manage a demanding work schedule while being a mum?

I have great help from the perfect nanny! I made sure to find a good one who I could trust completely, and who could help care for my daughter without me feeling guilty.

In what ways has motherhood changed you?

I have to be much more organized than I used to be. I need to know exactly where stuff are in the house. Motherhood pushes to you to be very well organized in terms of your schedule and travels.

What do you enjoy doing the most with Theodora?

Going away for the week-end, just me and her!

One thing we have in common: a passion for bunnies and bunny ears! Can you tell us how you’ve incorporated this into your work? Does Theodora share the same love for bunnies?

My love for bunnies comes from the rabbit in Alice In Wonderland. I used to watch that movie all the time when I was a child! When my brother was being annoying and I wanted to make my him cry, I would make him watch the scene with the rabbit. I had dwarf rabbits as pets all throughout my childhood. Theodora loves them too! It’s so fun when she puts on Maison Michel bunny ears just to enjoy and live her life in the apartment.

Even after becoming a mom, you continue to make hats that are very sexy! How have you kept your sensuality? What makes you feel sexy?

It is the most important aspect in my life, being a woman as well as a mother at the same time. After I gave birth, I was able to get back to my figure pretty quickly. Actually it’s all about eating healthy food. I think it’s important to do your best to be a sexy mum!

I can see that! I mean you got right back in shape!

You just need to be careful and try not to gain too much weight during your pregnancy. Nature and your body will take care of the rest.

I imagine juggling multiple jobs can be stressful and sometimes chaotic. What do you do to de-stress?

I have a training session with my coach everyday, at lunch time!

What was your day-to-day look during your pregnancy?

Chanel of course! When I was pregnant, I arrived at the hospital with so many outfits in my suitcase. I didn’t want people to visit me and see me in an ugly robe! I remember I even prepared a beautiful Rick Owens jumpsuit for my day out.

Can you share with us your beauty routine during your pregnancy? Do you have any favorite beauty products or fragrances? Any favorite spas in Paris?

Spa “à domicile” – my secret was having massages at my place. Luckily I have a great osteopath! I also have my fitness coach, Patrick.

I was very careful with the beauty and fragrance products that I used. My favorites were from Santa Maria Novella perfumes and Sentara skincare. These bio brands use only extracts from very noble plants.

You travel pretty often with Theodora. When I look at your Facebook pictures I can see how you stay ever so stylish even at the airport! How do you guys manage that?

Theo has her own suitcase which is always very well organized. When you open it, you will find some beautiful little bags from Fragonard, each containing a complete outfit for each day of our travel. People call me, in French, “Miss frotte-frotte”, which in English translates to something along the lines of “Miss clean-clean”. Theo is definitely my daughter: there’s nothing I find cuter than her trying to fold her clothes. She’s a tidy up addict!

Last but not least, what do you love most about being a mom?

I love that I can have, by my side, someone who is part of me but different at the same time. I must admit though that the older she gets, the more closely we resemble each other!

Photographed by Alexandra Utzmann


Fabiola Beracasa And Julien, 7 Months


Rachel Roy, Designer, Mother to Ava and Tallulah. Los Angeles



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