Kim Kardashian

Dear Kim, what do you love the most about being a mother?

I love being a mom! It’s the most rewarding feeling! I really love every phase! Just the way my daughter laughs with me, all of the small things in life you appreciate!

What do you find the most challenging in being a mother?

I took a hiatus after I had the baby, and found it challenging to start working again because I didn’t want to spend any time away, but you adjust and prioritize, and just figure it out!

What is your favorite thing to do together with North? What would be for example a perfect day?
My absolute favorite thing is taking a nap with her. We cuddle and fall asleep holding each other.
Its my favorite time just snuggling with her.
What tip would you give to any busy working mom to balance career and motherhood?
It is an adjustment trying to balance a career and motherhood for sure, but the key is to prioritize.
You become more selective and work on projects that are so meaningful because you want every other waking moment spent with your family. You have to remember though to make time for yourself. If you feel good, you will be happy in your career and family life and everyone is happy!
One last question, we all love travel tips with a baby, it seems North already travelled the world, what is your main tip to make it as smooth as possible?
Jet lag can be tough to adjust to, especially for a baby. I think its important to travel with the necessities to make sure your baby gets a nap on the flight, and whenever necessary!
Follow Kim Kardashian on Instagram
Illustrations by Regina Yazdi
Follow Regina Yazdi on Instagram


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Ariane Goldman, Founder and CEO of HATCH, mother to Charlie and Georgie, New York City



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