Jennifer Fisher, Drew and Shane
Entrepreneur & Jewellery Designer, Drew, 8 and Shane, 9
New York, USA
1.You’re running your incredibly successful namesake jewelry line and raising two kids in New York City. What are some of your tips on staying balanced and staying inspired with such a hectic schedule?
The key for me is organization. I do as much as I can ahead of time and plan ahead…(every school night before bed I arrange menu for lunches and pack what can be pre packed etc)…It is a huge help in the am when running out the door with them and I always go straight to the office after dropping them at school. It is our daily ritual as unfortunately I can’t ever pick up from school. My work, family and this city keeps me inspired! I think the key is eating well (I’m gluten and dairy free) taking care of your body and balancing the work nights out with a double dose of nights home and off the grid….real life and family is what really matters and keeps you balanced…
2.What has been the hardest part of becoming a mom?
In the beginning it was definitely the shift from all about “You’ to “all about “them” it is never about only you ever again…. it is the best feeling you will ever experience as a woman, but hardest adjustment for sure. Now as they grow older, it’s the social issues they have to deal with and focusing on teaching them the right way to respond and carry themselves in any situation. You forget how cruel other kids and people can be, teaching your children to be compassionate and caring is one of our priorities.
3. The easiest part?
After they turn 3 its so much easier…..of course the easiest part is the love they give you…It makes any bad day ok once you see them.
4. Who inspires you?
My daughter does. She has an opinion and helps me get dressed before events..Her favorite part is the jewelry, shoe, handbag paring so i definitely think her future is in accessories…her face when she isn’t loving something is priceless…I need to somehow find way to capture it without her noticing before she outgrows this phase.
5.What are some of your favorite ways to spend time together as a family?
One of our favorite things to do together is to skateboard, bike or scooter up the Hudson River Park and cut over to Bar Pitti for Mr Chow for dinner outside in the early evening after school or on warm nights.
6.How do you relax?
Cooking! I know it is not traditional but its my therapy…. My husband always says it’s the only time he sees me truly calm…My mother sent me to after school cooking lesions when I was very young and I would always watch her cook every meal for us…it is truly my happy place. We try to have family dinners at least 3 nights a week and I pre cook most of the kids food if I’m out for the night. After having some health issues and fighting my tumor driven from estrogen I am a big believer in organic home cooked meals for my family.
7.What were some of your go-to looks or brands while pregnant?
I lived in multiple pairs of very low waisted Miu Miu jeans and a Chloe Army jacket that was the perfect fit my entire pregnancy for my first s we pregnant through fall For my summer pregnancy with my daughter it was all about multiple amazing floral Prada and Marni sundresses that i bought larger and had tailored OUT along the way and let out as I went and got larger…great tip for silk sundresses as you can hide the extra fabric on the interior and it does not add much bulk… . It was tailored just enough to not look sloppy open and when closed it was amazing over ht belly. Gave you a defined shape which I think is a flattering look she far along in your pregnancy ….I never wore maternity clothes…except for a small elastic waist extender I bought for pants.
8.What about beauty routine? Did you have any favorite products while pregnant? Or after?
I have always gotten regular facials ( I had horrible skin in high school) my mother took me once a week when I was young and I always go to Joanna Vargas now. When I was pregnant I swore by Palmers cocoa butter (in the tube only) and I am convinced that is why my stomach survived after 2 kids. I kept it very simple during my pregnancies as I do now. I don’t wear much makeup. I hate the feeling of foundation on my skin. I’m a clean brow, bronzer and clear gloss girl. I do get regular eyelash extensions which helps with the routine immensely…
9.What do you hope your children learn from you?
After having built this business over the years and them watching me along the way It would be to never give up. Also, how important it is to have a strong sense of character and always not matter what follow your gut…..Every time I don’t I regret it and try to instill that in them.

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