Restore Sleep

The moment you become a mom. sleeping becomes a true luxury. There are simply not enough hours during the day to be able to do everything, especially when you are a working mom who also wants to have a bit of a social life. You just cannot do it all and have to leave one thing on the side. For me, I decided to trade my 8 hours of sleep to 6, sometimes 5, so that I could work, spend as much time with my baby but also have a bit of time left to see my friends.

However, sleep = beauty. Skin does it repairs and regenerate itself, putting me, and my long lost “glow” at loss. This is why, choosing a good night cream is extremely important. It  helps making the most of your little hours of sleep to repair the signs of aging, stress, and exhaustion any mom can have!

I recently tried the Restoring Night Cream by Restorsea. Restoring Night Cream complements skin’s natural regenerative process to provide dramatic results overnight. Formulated with a unique olive oil emulsion system for intense hydration and wild oat extract to soothe skin and reduce redness, you wake up to glowing and rested skin!

The key of this products is in Aquabeautine XL® , a natural enzyme released by salmon at birth. The enzyme’s remarkable properties gently exfoliate only dead skin cells, allowing living ones to flourish.




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