Off To Mexico

Romy took her first transatlantic flight when she was only 6 weeks young. She didn’t cry at all and seemed to be the most amazing traveler. During that summer she probably went on a dozen other flights including one trip with 3 connections, and not once did she shed a tear! She was so good, even other travelers congratulated me for it. I thought I was the luckiest mom, only to find out that actually, the younger the baby is, the easier the air travel.

Now that she is one, it’s a whole different story. As much as I wanted to think I had become an experienced mommy/baby traveler, I learned that as your baby grows, so do her needs and travel logistics. Coming back from a trip to Tulum Mexico, (where we stayed at my friend’s amazing Spa Boutique Hotel, Coqui Coqui) I wanted to share with you my experience, what you need, and what you don’t.


  • • If you can afford it, book the extra legroom. We traveled on Jet Blue and let me tell you, having the extra legroom made such a big difference. It allowed enough space to fit Romy’s huge diaper bag, and for her to eventually play on the ground.
  • • Bring lots of swaddles. They are great for many things, from covering against the sun, to using as bedsheets and light summer blankets. I personally love the Aden and Anais Bamboo Collection.
  • • Bring sunscreen! I highly recommend the Mustela Baby Mustela SPF 50+ Mineral Sunscreen
  • • Bring lots of different snacks for the plane ride, especially snacks that you can easily take through customs once you’re in Mexico! A great one to have is Fruit Shredz by Pulm Organic which Romy loves (and I do too). Don’t forget to bring enough for the trip back!
  • • Bring a baby carrier. I love the Ergo Baby Travel Carrier. It’s extremely light and folds into a tiny pouch.
  • • Check-in your bag. I used to always opt for a carry-on when on holiday, thinking it would be simpler. But really its hard enough to carry a handbag, a diaper bag, and your baby, let alone an extra carry-on baggage.
  • • Bring enough bottles for the day, so you only have to get them sterilized once a day.



  • • Don’t bring too many baby clothes. Romy ended up spending the days nude enjoying her freedom! I ended up using only a tenth of what I brought for her. Plus, it’s very easy to hand wash clothes. Let them dry under the sun.
  • • Don’t bring too many clothes for yourself either! The less you bring, the happier you will be, trust me. But, DO bring a good sun hat!
  • • Don’t take a stroller if you’re going to the beach. Pushing one across the shore is just not easy. I ended up carrying Romy in my arms the whole time through the airport. The stroller was more of a hassle than anything.
  • • Don’t bring too many diapers. As I said, Romy spent most of her days naked on the beach!




One Stop Shop: Mexico City

We Love : Lipault Paris



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