The New Birth Kit By Bonpoint

Whenever someone close to me have a baby, the first store that comes to my mind for a birth gift is Bonpoint. However, they have so many beautiful things that I never know what to chose.

These birth kit put together by Bonpoint itself have all of the must have that any new mom would love to receive!

The kit includes:

White cotton voile suitcase, Bonpoint, $ 141
White organic cotton outfit, Bonpoint, $ 145
White cotton voile blouse with grey polka dot, Bonpoint, from $ 100 to $ 115
White organic cotton hat, Bonpoint, $ 40
White organic cotton mittens, Bonpoint, $ 35
Cotton changing pad, $ 100
Cotton towel, $ 160
Hair brush, $ 35
Eau de senteur, Bonpoint (alcohol free), $ 74
Organic cotton rabbit stuffed toy, $ 85

 Illustrated by Regina Yazdi

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The New Birth Kit By Bonpoint

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