Olio Lusso By Rodin

Olio Lussio Body Oil By Rodin should be a staple in everyone’s beauty routine!  Created in 2008, by former model and current photographer and owner of Linda Hopp Boutique in soho Linda Rodin. Linda was overwhelmed with the abundance of product on the market that offered the world but delivered nothing so she decided to start her own line.

Rodin’s own style and beauty routine can be summed up in two words: simple elegance and this multi functioning oil is a reflection of that. With a divine smell of jasmine and light consistency it is a long-standing staple in my beauty routine!


Illustration by Kate Schelter


Olio Lusso By Rodin


Meet Jayme Cyk, Beauty Editor of Violet Grey, as we celebrate the launch of their mother/baby beauty section



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