On Pregnancy...

This is your second pregnancy. But I guess it changes from one to another. How is this one different ?

The second seems to go by faster because there isn’t time to focus on being pregnant– between work and being a mom, I’m constantly on the go. I remember coming home, laying on the couch and relaxing when I was pregnant with Margaux but now when I get home I’m spending my time playing with Margaux and getting her ready for bed. I also got bigger a lot faster this time.

2. What has been your pregnancy style so far? Any must have pieces you would like to recommend to future moms?

I don’t wear maternity clothes just maternity jeans. I live in the maternity citizens of humanity legging jeans but they discontinued them so I’m wearing the ones from when I was pregnant with Margaux. I invest in tops and sweaters that I can wear after I’m pregnant as well. I like to wear fitted clothing when I’m pregnant because I think loose clothing makes you look bigger and great accessories always make me feel better so I wear a lot of DANNIJO.

You managed to stay so slim, What has been your pregnant beauty routine and work out? Do you have any favorite work out places?               

I do a lot of Pilates. I go to Real Pilates in Tribeca twice a week. I also box at Tribeca Sports Center with Carlos. He’s the best. I do the same workouts when I’m not pregnant– I just modify them slightly.

Having already a two year old, how do you find time to rest and relax? 

It’s challenging. We have a weekend house in CT that we try to go to as much as possible. It’s nice to relax on the weekend and get out of the city. Even finding time to fit in a manicure/pedicure is relaxing.

What have been your favorite beauty products to use? Any specific body cream etc…              

I love Cowshed udderly gorgeous stretch mark balm while pregnant. I also love VMV coconut oil, VMV Grandma Minnie’s mommycoddling all-over lotion and Exuviance gentle cleansing creme

On Motherhood...

What do you love the most about motherhood?

The unconditional love and the fulfillment I get from watching Margaux develop and grow up. 

What is the biggest challenge so far? 

Balancing my time between motherhood and work

What are your favorite things to do together with Margaux? 

We love to have dance parties together, color, read books and have ice cream parties.

Where are your favorite places to take her in the City? Shop, restaurants, kids activities etc…

I love to shop for Margaux at Bonpoint, Yoya, Livly and ABC. I also like to shop for her online at shopminikin, ladida, smallable and Zara.

Margaux’s favorite food is sushi so we love to go to Nobu next door together. We also love Maman and Soho House on Sunday’s for brunch. Margaux loves to play outside so we take her to the park or other friends houses for playdates. She also loves Playgarden in Tribeca when the weather is bad. She’s obsessed with ballet and loves Dance with Miss Rachel.

You have your own business Dannijo. Can you tell us more how you manage both running a business with motherhood? What advise would you like to give to any working mother?

I don’t have a lot of free time so I focus on making my time count. When I’m at the office I’m 100% focused on work and when I’m at home I’m 100% focused on Margaux. I realized early on it’s impossible to do both well unless you make time for both. I want my daughter to be able to do whatever she wants when she grows up and I’m setting an example for her by doing something I love. You should be able to do both, it’s just about finding balance.

Whats a typical day in your life?              

I wake up at 6am (Margaux is an early riser) but she gets in bed with my husband and me and we have family time every morning. A few days a week I work out with my sister in the morning (she lives in the same building) and we have breakfast together with Margaux and then go to the office. I’m at work all day and try to be home by 6:30/7 so I can have dinner with Margaux before she goes to bed.

You Have traveled quite a bit with Margaux already, what have been your favorite destinations (mostly the easiest). What advise would you like to share with any mother traveling for the first time with a toddler?

The first time I traveled with Margaux she did amazing on the plane but as soon as we were off the plane she threw up everywhere. I realized early on you have to be easy going when traveling with kids. We’ve been traveling with Margaux since she was 3 months old. I think the sooner you start taking them with you the easier it gets. We love Harbour Island. It’s so relaxing and logistically easier than a lot of destinations since you’re on the beach– everyone drives golf carts and the restaurants are very kid-friendly. We also go to France a lot since my husband is from Champagne. We go to the southeast every summer and Margaux loves it. Beach destinations are the easiest at this age.

What stroller do you use? 

Cybex by Jeremy Scott

Favorite children’s brand? 

Louise Misha, Tocoto Vintage, Bonpoint, Bonton, Loveshackfancy.


Liz Matthews

Laetitia Crahay, Mother Of Theodora, 2

Georgina Graham, Make Up Artist, Mother of Saoirse & Mia 1 week old, London



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