Maison Michel Paris

Ever since Laetitia Crahay took reigns at the millinery firm, Maison Michel, her designs have taken the world by storm. Playful cat ears, bob hats, rain hats, wide-brimmed hats – there’s certainly one for all. My personal favorite is the “Lara” plastic rain cap with bear ears, which comes in adult size as well as baby size! As you can see, Romy and I now have our own matching pair.

Laetitia has a great, wonderful assortment of hats in her collection. Be sure to drop by and have a look at Maison Michel.

Photographed by Ethan James Green


Cl‹äMence Et Cl‹äMent

Caramel Baby And Child

Flashback of the week: Muhammad and Laila Ali, 1977



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