With Mother’s Day this weekend, we connected with a few of our favorite moms to share what modern motherhood means to them. Today, we met with New York-based fashion creative (and founder of the delightful Romy and the Bunnies) Julia Restoin Roitfeld to discuss her biggest challenges and greatest lessons, as well as what motherhood means in 2019.

CH: What does motherhood mean to you?

JRR: Motherhood is unconditional love before anything. It’s also having the honor to bring someone into the world and have to become their role model. It’s having love every day, which makes it worthwhile during the tiring times. It’s also being worried for the rest of your life! The moment you become a mother, you are constantly worried: for their health, their happiness… and, since Romy was born, I feel I have been sleeping with one eye opened, and one eye closed. But the love you get, the fun, and also everything you learn… makes it all worth it!

CH: When did motherhood hit you?

JRR: I’ve always wanted to become a mother… a young mother. To be able to give so much love and receive so much, too… it was always a life goal.

CH: What’s one lesson you hope to pass down to your children?

JRR: I want her to be true to herself, and not be affected by other people’s opinion. I want her to do what she loves, and to be what she wants to become. I want her to be happy. So, I really try to encourage her to grow into one confident young lady.

CH: How do you balance your career with being a mom?

JRR: Ouch. That’s a tough one. It’s such a beautiful day today all I want is take her to the park. And, at the same time, I have so much to do. As a single mother, it’s really hard to balance it all. Not lying! When I am working I feel guilty for not being with her. I try to keep telling myself that all this work is for her and me, for a nice place, a nice school, nice trips together… and, when I am not working, I get worried because I run my own business and nobody else will do it. But she is turning 7 in the middle of the month, and it feels like just yesterday that she was born… time really goes by quickly when you have a child, and I don’t want to miss on those precious years!

Talking to other moms and seeing that it’s hard for all of us to find balance makes it easier to not be too hard on ourselves. So, finding balance is still something I am trying to work on. But someone told me, just to worry about not doing enough means you care and do enough.


The Perfect Straw Basket by Original Marrakech, Right on Time for Mother’s day

Leah de Wavrin: Model, Founder of Thelma and Leah, and mother of Thelma

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