Nothing cuter than a little girl wearing a pink tutu and leotard, right? This picture of a young Liza Minelli in her ballet attire says it all!

We selected our favorite some of our favorite ballet must have to be the perfect little ballerina. Scroll through to find out our selection of tutus, ballet slippers and more!

If you love Ballet as much as we do, read our previous story “Backstage at the Nutcracker” , written  by Sarah Dimmit and photographed by Sky Parrot .

And New Yorker parents, try the children’s workshop at the New York City Ballet where they will join the artists of New York City Ballet in this 45-minute pre-performance exploration of the music, movement, and themes of a ballet featured in the matinee performance. NYCB Teaching Artists guide children in a ballet warm-up and movement combination, concluding in a lively performance for accompanying family and friends. No prior dance training needed.


Photo: Unknown


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