Alireza Niroomand, General Manager of Sant Ambreous Soho, Father of Stella 6 Paloma 4

1.What do you love the most about being a father?

The love I am able to give and receive! And making them laugh non stop! I love being a clown, so they are my perfect excuse


2.What has been the most challenging part?

Being on time at school 🙂


3.What are your favorite things to do together with your daughters?

Taking them to see what NY has to offer, exhibits, art galleries, restaurants, artist studios, a stroll in the park!


4.You grew up in Paris, your daughters are being raised in NY. How can you compare? Are there anything about growing up in Paris you wish they had here? 

I love that in NY difference is a strength rather than a handicap! If I miss something from Paris is the pace. A little more relaxed and civilized


5.Whats your favorite tradition with them? 

Our Saturday night dinners. As I am usually working week nights! Our Saturday date is very special for us


6.Any favorite spots or shop to go to in the city (besides Sant Ambroeus lol)?

The other Sant Ambroeus (true story) I love to dress them at Makie a very cute kids store on Thompson St. Since the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree they also love Motorino’s pizza


7.Any shopping destination with the girls?

Again Makie, check it out. Small artisanal kids clothing store on Thompson St. Really special.For the rest my best friend has a clothing line called Petite Lucette, imagine if Bonpoint was affordable 🙂


8.Favorite place to take them outside the city? 
To visit my friends Laura and Fabio’s farm upstate. Westwind Orchard. Highly recommended. (Read our feature on Laura a few years ago.)


9.What has been one of your favorite memory with them? 

Their birth


10.What do you look the most forward to in the future with them?

See them grow and become women, and hopefully having a close relationship with them!
Photos by Kat Irlin
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