American, and New York based Supermodel, co-founder of Innovative Spine Care Treatment Firm "Enuval", Martha Hunt, shares her pregnancy beauty, health and styling tips.

What has been the most exciting parts of your pregnancy?

The most exciting part has been waking up every day knowing I’m pregnant, and that I’m a day closer to meeting my baby!  I love feeling her kicks and not feeling any guilt about prioritizing time around taking care of myself.

The most difficult or unexpected?

The most difficult part has been this last trimester, dealing with regular acid reflux and overall discomfort!  Also it’s interesting how some of the aches and pains move around- one day it could be my tailbone, and the next it’s my hips!

You have had the most amazing pregnancy style through your pregnancy! What has been some of your favorite pieces to wear?

I’ve enjoyed having a big chunk of my pregnancy in the summer, because it’s been easy wearing stretchy dresses.  I’ve found that I just have to wear what’s most flattering for my body, rather than trying to force a chic outfit together. Toteme/ Realisation dresses and Hunza G bikinis have been my regulars.  I mostly stick to pieces that have some stretch to them.  

Did you give at all into maternity wardrobe though?

I love the whole Bumpsuit line. They make the perfect basics for running around the city, and you can easily style them with boots and accessories.  Also I got a couple of Bianca Balti’s dresses for some upcoming weddings.  She nailed down beautiful Jane Birkin-esque maternity designs.

Could you share any style tips? I find the end of the 1st and beginning of 2nd trimester so tricky as fuller, but not quite pregnant looking yet!

During the end of the 1st trimester, I relied on stretchy dresses and leggings as I gradually outgrew all of my jeans and pants.  For cooler weather, I’m loving a Bumpsuit or leggings with an oversized button-down/ sweater combo. I tried to embrace my new curves as much as possible when spring came with dresses I already owned. I used to think pregnant women wore dresses to embrace their inner maternal goddess but now I realize dresses are purely functional when no pants fit!

You have suffered from scoliosis, how did you manage to keep your back strong during pregnancy?

I’ve been pleasantly surprised that my back has felt fine for most of my pregnancy, with the exception of a few days here and there.  I’ve tried to do something active every day, like swimming or walking.  My back feels the strongest when I keep moving!


Since our interview, Martha has now co-founded ENUVAL.

Enuval’s mission is to elevate spine care and research by empowering those directly impacted by spine conditions. We educate and train patients to drive our research and innovation through a continuous feedback loop between patient needs and spine health solutions. Our focus is on patient-centered topics often underrepresented in biomedical research, integrating patient-driven solutions with accessible and effective advancements in global spine health.

How have you kept in shape during your pregnancy?

I enjoy doing Lia Bartha’s B The Method classes — she has amazing 15-30 min. prenatal workouts that are scoliosis-friendly as well.

Do you feel any pressure to stay in shape and get your body back after baby?

I don’t want to be too hard on myself, because I know how demanding the newborn phase is, and my body needs time to recover after delivery!  I’m sure it’s natural to feel some pressure however. I’m looking forward to wearing jeans again!

You look so Glowy, what has been your diet?

I’ve tried to eat healthy for the baby, with a focus on proteins, extra vegetables, and weekly salmon to get enough omegas 3s for the baby’s brain development.  I definitely indulged quite a bit in the second trimester, but I feel like I can’t eat as much now in the third, because there’s less room to fit everything!  Not to mention I’m getting quite a bit of heartburn.

You have always been into clean and green beauty, what were your top 5 beauty products during your pregnancy?

Tata Harper Superkind Forifying Moisturizer and cleanser, coconut oil for the body, Furtuna skin serum, and Herbivore Calm soaking salts for tired muscles!  I’ve never loved a bath more.

Could you share your beauty routine?

I’ve been keeping it very simple.  Once in a while I’ll do a radiance or sheet mask I haven’t been wearing much makeup.  Every night I cleanse my face, put on serum, moisturizer, and make sure to moisturize my belly and thighs as well.

Did you indulge in any specific beauty treatments? If so what and where?

I recently had a relaxing facial at Joanna Vargas.  

Any addresses in NY that you would like to share? SPA, Gym, etc?

Once in a while I like to fit in a training session at S10 Training They have amazing recovery rooms equipped with an infrared sauna, steam, and baths – however I’ve not been using them while pregnant.

Have you started shopping yet for baby?

Absolutely, it’s hard to resist!  Seeing the nursery come together is helping keep my mind at ease.

What was on the top of your Babyshower Gift List?

Books!  I mostly want everyone’s favorite book to read to their little ones.

What are you most looking forward to in becoming a mother?

I’m looking forward to embracing who she wants to be and rediscovering the world through her eyes.

What makes you the most nervous?

I’m most nervous about all the challenges of raising a child since I’ve never been a mother before!




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